A paper billing statement with a stethoscope laid on top

Medical Insurance Coder/Biller Certificate (Online)

在医生办公室和医院作为医疗编码员和计费员发挥重要作用. 您将维护患者记录,以跟踪他们的健康数据和保险报销. 通过火博体育的在线医疗编码和计费计划,为这一需求职业奠定坚实的基础.

You can complete our program in as little as 16 months. Once you graduate, 你可以参加美国健康信息管理协会(AHIMA)的认证编码协会(CCA)考试. 凭借您的CCA证书,您可以在您的社区中找到医疗编码员或计费员的职位. 

Why Should I Study Medical Coding and Billing?

医疗编码员和计费员在我们不断发展的医疗保健系统中发挥着至关重要的作用. 他们帮助医生和医院与保险公司联系,以获得他们的服务报销. 如果你注重细节,并有基本的计算机技能,这可能是适合你的职业.

医疗编码人员获取患者信息并将其转换为医疗代码. 医疗账单人负责向保险公司提交账单或索赔.

在节目中,你将学习医学术语和编码分类. You'll also learn how to protect patient privacy. 了解这个重要的位置,帮助病人得到他们需要的治疗.


Online Program

我们想让它尽可能容易地为您赚取您的医疗保险编码员/出纳员证书. 您将获得所需的灵活性,我们的100%在线课程. 我们将为您提供所需的支持,以便您在虚拟课程中取得成功.

Top-Tier Education

在SJC,您将从我们的教师和课程中获得出色的培训. 我们的教师都是各自领域的专家,擅长在线教学. They'll pass along the knowledge you need to succeed.

Affordable Option

Because of SJC's low tuition rates,医疗保险编码员/出纳员证书在线课程对您来说是一项极好的投资. 整个项目的州内学费(包括学杂费和书本费)估计在5500美元左右. 州外学费(包括学杂费和书费)估计在9500美元左右. 如果你是新墨西哥州居民,你也可能有资格通过免学费获得学位 NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships


在SJC学习医疗编码和计费所需的知识和技能. 你将练习使用健康信息技术(HIT), which electronically stores, shares, and analyzes health information.

As part of your HIT courses, you'll learn to find medical codes for diseases, conditions, treatments, and surgical procedures. You'll also study the human body and medical terminology. 这些技能会让你成为一名更高效的医疗编码员和记账员.


  • 编码分类系统:CPT-4、HCPCS、ICD-10-CM、ICD-10-PCS
  • Different diseases and how they affect the body
  • Healthcare reimbursement
  • 管理访问机密医疗保健信息的法律、规则和条例.
  • Ethical concepts and their applications
  • The uses of health information technology
  • Types of medicines and how they affect the body
  • CCA certification exam

Medical Insurance Coder/Biller Certificate Curriculum

Careers and Outcomes

通过完成SJC的在线医疗保险编码员/出纳员证书课程, 您将有资格获得认证编码助理(CCA)证书. 有了CCA的称号,你将能够在当地社区找到一个入门级的职位.

只要有卫生数据,就需要卫生信息专业人员. 许多健康信息专业人员能够在家工作, 让它成为那些想要在职业生涯中增加灵活性的人的理想工作.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 从2021年到2031年,医疗记录专家(如医疗计费员和编码员)的就业将增长7%. This is about as fast as average as all occupations.

我们项目的毕业生可以从事医疗编码员和记账员的工作. They are employed in the following:

  • Doctors' offices
  • Health insurance companies
  • Hospitals
  • Medical clinics and many other healthcare settings


SJC的医疗保险编码员/出纳员证书课程是一个选择性课程. 你必须满足特定的要求才能被录取. 在这里了解入学要求和申请流程.

Admission Deadlines

  • 要考虑秋季入学,您必须在以下时间申请医学编码员/比勒计划 June 15.
  • 要考虑春季入学,你必须申请医学编码员/比勒项目 October 15.

For more information, 联系卫生信息技术部,电话:(505)566-3851或发电子邮件给我们 hitp@humidifierfinder.com.

Tuition and Fees


  Term 1 (10 credits) Term 2 (9 credits) Term 3 (9 credits( Term 4 (4 credits) Total Cost
Tuition $705 $653 $653 $286  
Fees $70 $49 $0 $0  
Books $270 $930 $1,210 $620  
Total $1,045 $1,632 $1,863 $906 $5,446


  Term 1 (10 credits) Term 2 (9 credits) Term 3 (9 credits( Term 4 (4 credits) Total Cost
Tuition $1,945 $1,781 $1,781 $794  
Fees $70 $49 $0 $0  
Books $270 $930 $1,210 $620  
Total $2,285 $2,760 $2,991 $1,414 $9,450

Next Steps

在你开始申请之前,确认你已经完成了医学编码和计费项目的入学要求. 如果您对我们的在线课程有任何疑问,您也可以联系该计划.

View Admission Requirements

报名参加医疗保险编码员/比勒证书课程, you must first apply to San Juan College. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time! 准备好将所有正式成绩单发送到圣胡安大学招生处.

Apply Now

如果你已经完成了医疗保险编码器/比勒计划的先决条件, you may submit the program application.

Complete the Medical Coder/Biller Application


Phone: (505) 566-3320

West Classroom Complex,
Room 1911

M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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